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Maestro Bellucci
Model CC-1, Cocobolo Back and sides, Cedar top Concert guitar
Cocobolo is in my opinion the most striking wood in the Rosewood family (Dalbergia). It grows in Central America and parts of Northern Brazil. It is very dense and the figure it presents can often challenge even the most striking Brazilian Rosewood. Colors that move from a dark yellow, passing through orange and red and the deepest Brown and pitch black. I like to call this amazing species the "sunset wood". I matched the striking back and sides with  a Western Redcedar top from Canada. The 2 woods work harmoniously in the creation of the best classical guitar sound. One defined by clarity, excellent separation of voices and an amazing  natural sustain. I added one of the extras I developed in the classical construction, the violin tie. An anchoring system that removes all strain from the anchoring of the strings and places it in a much more sturdy part of the guitar, the bottom heel. The bridge is therefore freed of all unnecessary strain and the top moves more evenly and generously. Its life is prolonged exponentially. Mounting the strings is extremely easy and no special strings are required. The armrest adds a secondary relief to the top by preventing the forearm to interfere with the vibration of the top and the soundport allows the player to better monitor his own playing. yes, as you well know, we are our own audience 99% of our playing time and it a shame that not a single orifice points our way ! 
Decorating this Masterpiece was perhaps the best part and every piece of the handmade marquetry elevates the sum of all the parts that constitute her. The Air by Bach and Romance are brightly played and as a player I feel inspired for being able to embrace such a beautiful guitar. She's easy to play and the perfect match for a guitar player.


3,350 USD
DHL Shipping: USA 184 USD, Europe 223 USD, Asia 278 USD

650 mm or 640 mm?
Keep the following rule at hand: If the distance between the tip of your thumb and the tip of your little finger is equal or less than 9 in. when fully stretched, use 640 mm.

The 9 braces Hauser fan is the most thoroughly tested fan brace setup on the planet. It is the result of many years of experimenting. It is braced on Torres 4 fan brace design. The braces act as sound vibrations highways...they carry the vibration of each string to a specific spot on the soundboard. If you put your fingers on the soundboard as you play the 6th string for instance, you will feel the upper portion of the top vibrate with more power than the rest of the top.  You will be able to feel this vibrations with your fingertips all the way to the 4th strings. It is harder to feel the vibration caused by the treble strings. The variations on the 9 braces fan is enormous. Luthier taylor each fan to achieve a specific sound and match the instrument with the rest of the woods used in the construction. Above to the left is a 9 braces all Spruce fan. I often use a mixture of Cedar, Spruce and Mahogany to match different wood combinations.


Radiused or flat fingerboard?
The radiused fingerboard has been around the acoustic and the electric guitar since day one. The same is true for most instruments of the Stringed family of instruments (violas, violins cellos, bass). Radiusing (image above) makes barre and left hand stopping A LOT easier. The only drawback is that you will NEVER want to play a  flat fingerboard after that. If you are having your custom guitar built, I am all pro radiusing the fingerboard.  The standard fingerboard is flat.

Western Redcedar

Cocobolo B&S, Hauser braced Cedar top Concert guitar

Cocobolo B&S, Hauser braced Cedar top Concert guitar

Cocobolo B&S, Hauser braced Cedar top Concert guitar
Cocobolo B&S, Hauser braced Cedar top Concert guitar

Cocobolo B&S, Hauser braced Cedar top Concert guitar

Cocobolo B&S, Hauser braced Cedar top Concert guitar

Cocobolo B&S, Hauser braced Cedar top Concert guitar


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