New Guitar Masterclass, "Morning Has Broken", Cat Stevens
Morning Has Broken, Tutorial Video, 1/17
Cat Stevens, one of all time greatest song writers, had this fabulous song in store for the world to enjoy: Morning has Broken. This amazing singer has literally changed my life. The year was 1976 and I had just returned from school. A young Sophomore son of Italian immigrants who had literally "just arrived" in Paraguay, our new homeland. I had to fit in and being a classical player was good but if you really wanted to blend in and "be someone" you had to sing... and Cat Stevens was the singer that had everybody enamored with his fabulous hit "Father and Son". I learned the song and I would venture in saying that I probably sang it many more times than Cat Stevens himself did... especially since he later changed his name to Yusuf Muslim. Morning Has Broken is a very spiritual song, just as most of Cat's work are.I love this transcription because it challenged me as a guitarist to emulate the piano that Stevens uses as his main instrument in the song. Visit the Masterclass.