John Denver, "Annie's Song"
Arranged & Fingered by Renato Bellucci
I remember being mad the day I heard that John Denver died at the age of 53 as the consequence of the malfunction of an experimental fiber glass plane...AKA ultra light plane...
His compositions were always fresh with a genuine flavor that spoke of a big soul and one in close contact with God and Nature. As the adage goes, God wrote 2 books: The Bible and Nature. Annie's Song is perhaps John Denver best known song. I could easily refer to it as an hymn of my generation. The generation that kindled such inspired composers as James Taylor, Cat Stevens, David Gates and, of course, John Denver. Below is an image of a plane almost identical to the one John Denver was flying in Monterey CA on that fatal October 12, 1997.
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Levers are an essential part of classical guitar technique. Many players use them without being aware of the mechanics involved and without realizing the essential role that they play in guitar performance. Read More...
Renato Bellucci plays: "Annie's Song"
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