Michael Jackson, "Ben"
Arranged & Fingered by Renato Bellucci
Guitarist Renato Bellucci teaches online, through HD video & online score, his arrangement and fingering of the movie soundtrack "Ben" performed originally by Michael Jackson. Pivotsand Levers are technical resources referring to how certain fingers in the left hand behave in order to help the other fingers in the left hand better and more efficiently find their way around the fingerboard. Both terms are self explanatory. The efficient use of both pivots and levers will translate in more fluidity and less mistakes in the left hand. Read all about Levers and Pivots in the Carlevaro Technique section of mangore.com
Technique Highlights: Use the Base of Finger 1
Renato Bellucci plays: "Ben"
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Hold the G on string 6 to augment sustain and harmonic background
Video 1
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