Sting, "Every Breath You Take (TAB)
One of the best Songs from the 80s
Every Breath You Take is like an hymn for my generation. The opening Guitar reef is a landmark in pop guitar history. The reef modulates throughout the piece in the style of an obstinate and generates a very intricate counterpoint. Sting is an outstanding guitar player in different types, even classical guitar. The main challenge in Every Breath You Take is to keep the main melody in centerstage. This is achieved by stiffening the joints of the finger that plays each one of the nets in the main melody (Check the Technique pages to read in depth about "Bringing out Notes"). The main reef of Every Breath you take is hypnotizing to me and generates a unique aural tension that only mayor works can generate. What is amazing is that only 4 bars of music can have such a big impact on a man's aural capabilities.
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