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Indonesian Rosewood B&S Concert Guitar Concert Classical Guitar
Bellucci Guitars

Indonesian Rosewood B&S Concert Guitar

Bellucci Model IR-C-3

This Indonesian Rosewood Concert Cutaway is one of Bellucci Guitars best looking and sounding instruments. It is built using a highly figured set of Indonesian Rosewood for the back and sides. I used Turtle shell for the linings and I must say that few materials create such a stunning contrast with both the Indonesian Rosewood and the Cedar top. I chose a gorgeous set of Canadian Western Red Cedar for the top and I braced it using the Hauser frame and Bellucci Guitars exclusive transversal harmonic bar to enhance the trebles. It is such a noble wood and its color seems to have been tailored to be coupled with Rosewood. Every part of the construction melts into the adjacent one and the harmony in every detail is breathtaking. My daughter Fátima designed this instrument and she decided for a matte finish. I am stunned at how well the matte finish brings out the texture of the wood and preserves the natural look of wood. The player really feels that he's holding wood in his hands. Morricone's "Gabriel's Oboe" comes out natural and theradiuses fingerboard makes the transitions smoothened easy. The resonance and depth of the sound are perfect. A true masterpiece guitar. S.D.G.

            Guitarist Renato Bellucci

See and hear this amazing Indonesian Rosewood Beauty

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Stunning Cutaway

Indonesian Rosewood B&S Concert Guitar Concert Classical Guitar

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Indonesian Rosewood B&S Concert Guitar Concert Classical Guitar
Indonesian Rosewood B&S Concert Guitar Indonesian Rosewood B&S Concert Guitar