1- Construction of the top:
This Marvelous Hard Maple B&S guitar is a stunning instrument from every angle. My family & I decided to donate this gorgeous guitar to The Carmelite Nuns of Asunción. Sister Maura and a few other sisters from the Carmelite monastery are learning how to play the guitar with my daughter Chiara (Image below) and we simply could not resist the urge to give these generous women a token of our deepest appreciation for their immense love and generosity. In the Image, Chiara is teaching guitar at the Carmelite Monastery of Asunción Paraguay.
Sister Maura emanates goodness and you can see the image of Jesus in her every gesture and word. "Chiquitunga" is the name of a Carmelite nun who is undergoing Canonization in Rome having reached the status of Blessed last June. My family and I decided to donate 30% of the proceeds of the sale of each "Carmelite Guitar" to the Carmelite Monastery of Asunción. In the image Mother Raquel and sister Maura are admiring Chiquitunga Guitar and the S.D.G. written inside.
See and Hear this amazing Maple Guitar, "Chiquitunga"
1- Construction of the top:
2- Armrest
3- Violin tie
4- 4-band equalizer / digital tuner
5- Position markers:
6- Radiused Fingerboard
7- Number of frets:
8- Guitar humidifier
9- Scale (fret spacing)
10- Adjustable Steel Truss Rod (Double Action)
11- Elevated Fingerboard
12- Professional Cases