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Curly African Bubinga B&S Italian Spruce Top Concert Classical Guitar
Bellucci Guitars

Curly African Bubinga B&S Italian Spruce Top

Marvelous Redhair, Model: CAB33

Hear how powerful and full of the most amazing sound Asturias shines ever so wonderful. The presence of the bass is staggering as well as the singing qualities in Romance.  Every possible element to make her a top guitar is present in her construction: The Deep, clear sounding African Bubinga, the Marvelous Italian Spruce top to give her power and punch and the Hauser/Bellucci bracing to give her a Spanish soul and a doses of mystery that words find impossible to describe. The amazing grain on Curly Waterfall Bubinga makes it one of the most sought after tropical tonewoods on the planet. When you hold her, you feel like you are embracing one glorious slice of nature. I could manage to get a hold of this amazing salvaged set in Late 2014 and it could not have received a better mission in life. I only built a handful of guitars using this amazing African species…. The grain resembles the curly Red Har in one of those "Disney Princess' Tales".... Simply AMAZING! I used the most delicate marquetry to take her to the highest levels of Luthery. Playing her is easy and I feel as though I have ALWAYS played her… I added onboard electronics to give her everything she needs to better serve the performing and recording artist because the onboard electronics allow for maximum output and no feedback whatsoever. Stunning. S.D.G.

-Finest Woods Selection
-Further Customizable
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              Guitarist Renato Bellucci

Hear this stunning Curly African Bubinga

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Marvelous Redhair

Curly African Bubinga B&S Italian Spruce Top Concert Classical Guitar
Curly African Bubinga B&S Italian Spruce Top