Tárrega Francisco, "Lagrima" (TAB)
Transcription and Fingering: Renato Bellucci
Tárrega and Barrios Mangore are the most prolific composers for the guitar ever. Tárrega prepared the stage. Mangore took the guitar to unparalleled levels.
The musical idea behind Lágrima, is exactly that: a tear. The two 8th notes represent the rhythmic fall of tears down the face of a young child. This rhythmic figure will be present throughout the work.
Musical idea: Tears falling
Staff and Video 1
Animation: Avoid String Squeaks

Finger 1 and 2 that lead the harmonic progression on the bass, must be lifted from the fingerboard between the changes of position to avoid unnecessary string noise.
3 steps are required to change from one position to another on the fingerboard avoiding undesired string noises: 1-lose the tension of the fingers stopping the strings 2-use fijación to maintain the shape of the left hand 3-move to the new position.
Video 1
Assign a RH finger to each string. Notice how he arm helps the finger in stopping the low F.
Complementary Video: "Fijación" Explained
Revision: Santa Monica, CA, December 1, 2012
Revision: Asunción, March 15, 2013
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