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Barry Manilow Looks Like We Made It

Barry Manilow, "Looks Like We Made It"

Arranged & Fingered by Renato Bellucci

Renato Bellucci Teaches "Looks Like We Made it".  I was 16 and a senior in high school when The song was made world famous. I remember seeing Barry Manilow in an HBO special just a few seconds before getting on stage in San Francisco and his words would echo in my mind for many years to come "There's got to be an easier way of making a living". He was undergoing the typical symptoms of stage fright... those tremendous seconds that anticipate the moment you walk on stage. The words were also a relief because as a young guitarist I would learn that those feelings accompany the musician throughout the career. Looks Like We Made It is from Manilow's 1976 album, This One's for You, composed by Richard Kerr. It was released on April 20 1977 where it reached the number one spot on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100.

Renato Bellucci plays: "Looks Like We Made It"

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Staff and Video 1

Bring out the G in measure #2 (note in blue)

Video 1
San Bernardino, Paraguay, April 19, 2015, S.D.G.

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