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Custom Bastogne Walnut B&S Cedar Top Masterpiece

Custom Bastogne Walnut B&S Cedar Top Masterpiece

See and hear this amazing Custom Bastogne Walnut Concert Guitar

When Robert commissioned this stunning Custom Bellucci Guitar for the ages made with Bastogne Walnut for the B&S and Cedar Top, I knew I was in for a super built. Bastogne Walnut is. tremendous wood that always delivers the sound one expects. Typically, a terrific punch in the bass and great separation of voices. Little did I know that the resulting guitar would turn out to be such a masterpiece. The best handmade marquetry was used to decorate her edges and the Maple Lute Type Soundport gives her the look of the Queen that she is.  As I was playing the Bach Prelude I could not but be amazed at the clarity of her voices and the stunning separation of voices that this one-in-a-million guitar offers. Morricone's "Gabriel's Oboe" on the other hand, resonates fully showing off her marvelous sustain and depth of sound. You can custom order a similar instrument visiting THIS LINK