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New Custom 630mm Concert Cutaway

New Custom 630mm Concert Cutaway

Hear Asturias played on this 630mm beauty

Richard Sheff has been one of Bellucci guitars all-time greatest fans and ambassadors. He is the Bellucci Guitars representative in Michigan, USA and he will be very happy to let you see and try his Belluccis. Feel free to contact Richard Sheff: SPEEDORMS@aol.com. Richard decided for a Traditional Cutaway and 630mm for obvious reasons: The ease of play and playability are simply unbeatable. I added the Bellucci variation to the traditional Hauser Fan Brace and the result is an explosive sound one would never associate with a shorter scale instrument. Asturias literally explodes as I played it. It was such a memorable moment that I asked my son Franco to make  a 3-cameras video to immortalize this historic moment. We decorated her using marquetry to resemble Richard's previous Custom Bellucci Guitars. A marvelous Russian roses Rosette from Tula accompanied by the most exquisite luxury handmade marquetry. Richard's guitar will make history. See the HD Images and Specs HERE>>