New Masterclass, Gaspar Sanz, "Españoleta"
Españoleta, Tutorial Video, 1/5
Renato Bellucci teaches Gaspar Sanz, "Españoleta". Renaissance and Early Baroque music in general fit the classical guitar to perfection. For one thing, the harmonies are very honest and unpretentious. The Lute was a trendy instrument played throughout Europe by people belonging to every social level. The amount of oil painting depicting people playing the lute is simply staggering. Gaspar Sanz is definitely one of my favorite composers and he took the task of teaching and exploring the possibilities of the lute and helped it change in a vihuela (earliest types of guitars). Sanz is an essential character in the development of the and I do not think that he is given the just amount of importance in classical guitar history. Visit the Masterclass