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New Masterclass, "When I Fall in Love", Victor Young

New Masterclass, "When I Fall in Love", Victor Young

When I Fall in Love, Tutorial Video 1/7

Renato Bellucci Teaches "When I Fall in Love" made famous by Nat King Cole. "When I Fall in Love" is a popular song, written by Victor Young (music) and Edward Heyman (lyrics). It was first heard in the film One Minute to Zero. It was first released in 1952 with the song's composer, Victor Young, handling the arranging and conducting duties. The song has become a standard, with many artists recording it, though the first hit version was sung by Doris Day released in 1952. But the song really made it into immortality after Nat King Cole recorded it in 1958. Over 130 artsists recorded this classic. Celine Dion, Barry Manilow and perhaps following her father's footsteps in populartity is Nat King's daughter's version: Natalie. I'm honored to add to this prolific list of interpretations. The piece is very romantic and the challenge for the classical guitar player is to always  keep the main melody (the song) in center stage). You achieve this by assigning a slightly different tone to the finger carrying the melody and augmenting the volume slightly using fijación. Read more on fijación in the technique pages.  Visit the Masterclass