Prof. Dan Flickstein, Greatest Collection

My dearest friend and colleague Prof Dan Flickstein is the all time #1 buyer of Bellucci Custom Guitars. To date, Dan has custom ordered 12 Bellucci Custom Masterpieces. Dan and I have grown in a deep friendship and his gentlemanship, passionate love for music and the guitar and his amazing personality have made it possible for us to come up with 12 of the most beautiful Custom Guitars to date. Each one was conceived with love and produced with skill, patience and love.
"Dear Renato,
I was so happy to come home from summer in Colorado to my entire Bellucci family. They are, left to right: Brazilian Rosewood, Cocobolo, highly figured Cocobolo, Brazilian Rosewood, Hawaiian Koa, Tamarind, Moon Ebony (Franquette Walnut top), Black and White Ebony. Obviously in one photo I am holding the Tamarind, and in the other the Black and White. Would loved to have held them all at the same time, but I would have needed to be an octopus for that. Thanks for all.
Dan grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Started playing guitar at Lafayette High School in the early 60s also played in "outside of school" bands playing "standards" and rock 'n' roll music. His BA is in Speech and Theater from Brooklyn College and possesses 2 Master degrees: Rhetoric and Public Address. English literature and Education were the disciplines Dan pursued next and received one more Master degrees in Educational Supervision and Administration.
Dan has been involved in education for over 30 years. Coached handball, was drama director, and dean. Dan was later hired as an adjunct assistant-professor by Hofstra University where he taught for seven and one-half years. The University granted Dan an adjunct assistant-professorship. Dan retired from Brooklyn College after 44 years of service in 2014.
Dan has been married to Sandra for 31 years, and have three children, Amy, Nancy and Eden.
Dan continued to pursue guitar playing sporadic lessons until the age of 16 and at seventeen took some additional lessons from a very good jazz guitarist.
When about 50, Dan passed by a restaurant which advertised a classical guitarist every Wednesday and Saturday. That man became his teacher for about 15 years, and it was he who taught Dan finger-style and acquainted him with classical music, which has since become Dan's favorite type of music. Even this very day, while driving, Dan listened to his Mozart, and his collection of Spanish Music.
Dan became interested in the guitar, but not only the music the instrument produced, but the construction of the instrument as well. Soon become aware of the various woods, the types of bracing, glues, finishes, etc.
In 2008, while looking for a reasonably priced Brazilian Rosewood guitar, Dan saw a Bellucci guitar online. He was leery about purchasing an instrument from Paraguay. I asked Maestro Bellucci a question via mail, and the next morning Maestro Bellucci called me personally. I was impressed. Renato was so honest and sincere. It was a great moment for me. Renato Bellucci guitars now occupy part of every day of my life. They are a great pleasure to hear and to see - works of art. As great a day as it was when I met my teacher of classical music, it was that wonderful to meet Renato through his website.
Most sincerely, Dan
Professor Dan Flickstein"
October 16, 2017,

Dan Holding The Tamarind B&S Custom

Dan's Custom Tamarind B&S Sinker Redwood Top