Chopin Frederic, "Nocturne Op.9 No.2"
Transcription and Fingering: Renato Bellucci
Chopin ranks among the most beloved musicians of all times. The Nocturne Op.9 is considered one of the most listened to pieces of music in the entire universe. Chopin is synonym with Romantic and the Polish composer can find the shortest route to your heart and make you shiver.
I started the transcription from a Romero arrangement and took it to a place where it fits the guitar comfortably, choosing the essential voices and overall harmonic construction was perhaps the main challenge to keep Chopin intention intact. Enjoy. I use many unique guitar techniques to conquer the piece. Follow the Tutorial videos closely and refer to the Technique highlights in the Masterclass. Do not doubt in contacting me for clarifications.
Renato Bellucci plays "Nocturne No2"
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Staff and Video 1
Take time to breathe immediately prior to a position change so as to relax the left hand completely and avoid build up of muscular tension while avoiding all undesired string squeaks in the process.
Video 1
San Bernardino, Paraguay, Dec. 9, 2014 S.D.G.
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