Bach, "Sarabande BWV 996"
Transcription and Fingering: Renato Bellucci
Renato Bellucci Teaches JS Bach "Sarabande" from Lute Suite BWV 996. Bach has the power to create magic with his Sarabandes. This particular one form the lute suite BWV 996 takes me immediately to the first time I heard the work played by my teacher Maestro Narciso Yepes in his memorable LP "Narciso Yepes". That LP contained an amazing collection of Baroque masterpieces among which the Sarabande BWV 996 shed some very special light. Peace is what it transmits! The Heavenly type of Peace that only men of God can offer. Pivots & Levers are technical resources referring to how certain fingers in the left hand behave in order to help the other fingers in the left hand better and more efficiently find their way around the fingerboard. Both terms are self explanatory and watching the video will make it perfectly clear. The efficient use of bothpivots and levers will translate in more fluidity and less mistakes in the left hand. I will never get tired of admiring the generous gift of our Father God to humanity that such a great soul as Johannes Sebastian Bach has meant and will continue to mean for humanity. His trascendence is such that even those not involved in art music benefit from the good that is passion and lo e of God has meant for our whole race. I pray an Ave Maria to his soul every day. S.D.G.
Lever & Pivot, Animation
Lever With Rotation
The Left hand uses finger 3 as an anchoring point around which the left hand rotates to better present the fingers on the fingerboard. Read More
Changes in Left Hand Presentation
Getting the Elbow closer or further from the side of your body will help you change the presentation of the left hand fingers (See also Longitudinal & Transversal Presentation, from the Carlevaro Technique Pages). Read More
Renato Bellucci plays "Sarabande BWV 996"
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