Vanessa Williams, "Save The Best For Last"
Guitar Transcription: Renato Bellucci
Save The Best for Last is undoubtedly one of the best Ballads of the 20th Century. Singer Vanessa Williams makes it shine majestically. The main challenge for the performer is to bring out the main melody that is somewhat hidden in the arpeggio. The performer must avoid string squeaks at all cost between the chord changes. Save the best for last fits the guitar beautifully and I consider it a dignifying homage to this splendid singer and performer. I used different colors to mark the main melody clearly so as to help you define the right hand is bringing out these notes clearly during performance.
Renato Bellucci plays: "Save The Best For Last" S.D.G."
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Staff and Video 1
Video # 1
San Bernardino, April 21, 2017, S.D.G.
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