Pernambuco Joao, "Brazilian Chôro" (TAB)
Version and Fingering: Renato Bellucci, "Som de Carrilhoes"
Chôro, is the name given to a typical Brazilian musical style, and the group of musicians that performs it. Generally speaking, chôro is an urban instrumental dance. It was very popular in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the 1970s. The musicians played the flute, clarinet, tuba, and a Brazilian type of guitar similar to the ukulele and percussion. The tunes were usually European in origin although towards the first half of the 20th Century, Brazilian tunes were the main influence. Throughout the 20th Century, Chôro passed to other Americanization countries where it evolved in Maxie, Samba and Tango.
The word Chôro means To Cry in Portuguese. Therefore, the rhythmic figure Rhythm which is present throughout the piece, represents the sniffing produced by a person when crying.
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This is one of the most beautiful Chôros of all times. It is a favorite by audiences worldwide.
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Som de Carrilhoes, Tutorial
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6=D means that string 6 is tuned down from a low E to a low D.
I use a red arrow in the video to show you a right hand fingering option I consider valid in obtaining stability in the right hand as well as uniformity of sound: to repeat the same finger in a 2 or more notes succession. If the musical situation allows you to and if the music benefits from it you must consider all right hand fingering possibilities.. The same finger equals a more uniform sound because the fingernails of different fingers generate different sounds and also because alternation in the right hand fingers sequence is not always recommendable. The speed at which you will be playing the notes sequence is definitely a deciding factor and you are the only one who can decide which right hand fingering best suites your needs. Write the right hand fingering on the score and be consistent.
Video 1
Revision: Asunción, November 22, 2012
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