John Barry, "Somewhere in Time"
Transcription & Fingering: Renato Bellucci
Renato Bellucci transcribes and teaches the Movie soundtrack from "Somewhere in Time" by John Barry. The movie was Christopher Reeves's Romantic performance for the ages. The acting in and of itself was by no means memorable but the underlying story contained all the elements that make a winning movie. The soundtrack was undoubtedly "Somewhere in Time's best contribution". The main challenge is to keep the melody in center-stage avoiding string squeaks at all costs. The solution to string squeaks is to detest them and treat them as playing mistakes when they happen. The worst thing you can do is ignore them because they'll detract from your art big time. The Masterclass "Begins today, September 11, 2014.
"Somewhere in Time", Oct-13-2014
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Somewhere in Time, Guitar Tutorial
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