Eliseo Fresquet-Serret, "Somnis de Joventut"
Fingering: Renato Bellucci
Allow me the honor to present a Catalonian musical jewel by one terrific Catalan composer: Eliseo Fresquet-Serret: "Somnis de Joventut" (Dream of Youth). This is the world premiere of the work which Maestro Eliseo dedicated to me and I wanted to I record and teach on mangore.com. I owe the honor of having met this great Spanish composer thanks to my great friend and colleague Josep Mercader. He mentioned Eliseo to me a couple of months ago and made it clear that he was certain that his composition "Somnis de Joventut" would be a great addition to the online masterclass series and most definitely a piece that will find its place among the great compositions from Iberia. Eliseo's work belongs up there with Torroba, Albéniz and Granados. In coincidence with the recording of my new CD I decided to record this magnificent piece. I did so this early morning hours and I am amazed at how Spanish and Romantic the piece is. I will post more tomorrow because it is almost 3 AM and this player needs some well deserved sleep...
Catalonian Composer Maestro Eliseo Fresquet-Serret
The music of Catalonian Composer Eliseo Fresquet-Serret speaks of a man deeply embedded in his counry's music and traditions. The Spanish sound is immediately evident in his compositions and the gentle as well as scarce yet very poignant dissonances speak of the best guitar music. I am honored to premiere this work and offer it to my students the world over. Below is the dedicated score Masetro Eliseo sent me.
Dedicated to Renato Bellucci
The Dedicated and Signed Work reads: "It is a great honor for me to dedicate this composition, to the Great World renowned Maestro Renato Bellucci" Cordially Eliseo, Lloret de Mar, Girona Espña, 28-10-2014 Below is a picture of my great friend, studet and colleague Josep Mercader posoing with one of the Bellucci guitars he purchased from me (He purhcased 3 to date). Josep is the men responsible for putting Eliseo and I in Contact. Thanks Maestro Josep!
Guitarist Josep Mercader
"Sonis de Joventut" Recorded in San Bernardino, Oct-28-2014
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Staff and Video 11, Final Staff
The work started with majestic apreggios in E Major and Maestro Eliseo has taken us around the tonality and even moved away fro it at instances only to go back to it in full and closing with, what else, but a full 6 strings E Major chord. Beauty ! Congartulations ! S.D.G.
Video 11, Final
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