Lionel Richie, "Still"
A classic from the 70s
Lionel Richie is one of those composers that can easily pass under the radar, therefore unnoticed, unless one really comes to terms with the fact that he is without a doubt one of the most prolific and productive composers of all times. He has won Oscars, innumerable Grammys and his songs always struck some amazing set of feelings that immediately send shivers throughout your being. "Still" is one of his Hymns and it belongs to Songwriting Royalty. Lionel Richie's great classic, "Still". The transcription posed a few challenges. I had to find the right key and after trying different alternatives I opted for C. This allowed me to exploit the opening section, my favorite section, to the fullest because it allows for the moving bass on the steady chords to be 100% viable. I had to make some changes to the finale in order to keep the piece interesting since it was conceived as a ballad, song, and transcribing it for solo guitar required me to do so.
Renato Bellucci plays: "Still" S.D.G."
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