Kenny Rogers, "We've Got Tonight"
Guitar Transcription: Renato Bellucci
We've Got tonight was originally composed by Bob Seger. It was Kenny Rogers in collaboration with Sheena Easton
who were responsible for taking the work to epic status. It is one of the great ballads of my youth and a piece I wanted to arrange for the classical guitar for quite some time. As I am celebrating my 45th with the classical guitar, this transcription is the perfect gift to celebrate my Vocation.
The piece requires the use of levers and demands that you take full advantage of the open strings in order to perform the changes of position swiftly and on the beat. Keep the rhythm steady. The main melody form "We've Got Tonight" will mark the beat naturally and the music will flow marvelously. Kenny Rogers is one of these artists that have gained a place in the heart of millions without really forcing ir. He has that "grandpa" looks and stretching it even further a Santa look that finds most people hearts already "prepared" to receive him. Add to this his deep, rough, "countryish" voice and you'll soon understand why he is without a doubt one of the greatest performed ever.
Staff and Video 1
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Asunción, July 14, 2015
UPDATES: San Bernardino, 13-24, November 2015
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