Louis Armstrong, "What a Wonderful World"
Arranged & Fingered by Renato Bellucci
Louis Armstrong with his deep and easily recognizable voice made "What a Wonderful World" into a World renowned song. The melody is easy going and the guitar player will have no difficulty playing this easy going transcription. The technical emphasis is on portamentos (slides) mostly done by finger 4 that moves between different notes on the first string. As finger 4 is stopping a given note, say G) it enters fijación and lets the arm move it to the adjacent A or B. Fijación is a technical element I picked up when working closely with the Uruguayan maestro Abel Carlevaro to whom I dedicate a whole section of mangore.com and I invite you to deepen in his technique approach because I use it extensively throughout the website.
Renato Bellucci plays: "What a Wonderful World"
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San Bernardino, Paraguay, March 2, 2015, 6:48 AM, S.D.G.