Peter Cetera, "You're the Inspiration"
Arrangement and Fingering: Renato Bellucci
Renato Bellucci transcribes and teaches "You're the Inspiration" by former Chicago Member Peter Cetera. Cetera was literally the main in source of inspiration when he was one of the members of the great pop group Chicago that launched some of the greatest melodies in the 70s. Cetera's interest in music began at 11 years of age when his parents bought him an accordion instead of the guitar he wanted. When he was 15, some older students from his high school took him to a club to see a band called The Rebel Rockers, which led to his purchasing an acoustic guitar.
He eventually took up the electric bass, and with some high school friends—a drummer, guitarist and saxophone player—Cetera began playing the local dance circuit, dividing lead vocals with the guitarist. Cetera played in several groups in theChicago area, including a popular local rock band named The Exceptions, which toured the Midwest in the mid-1960s. They never released an LP but they did release several singles and a five song seven inch EP. Cetera is quoted as saying, "By the time I was 18 I was making more money than my dad. His musical taste and great orchestration talent have made all his songs into great hits and he made the top 40s in at least 7 occasions. This is the second tribute from me to this great Chicago Composer.
Use the Base of Finger 1
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Renato Bellucci plays "You're the Inspiration"
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